Complete Marvel Chronology 1968 05-08

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Complete Marvel Chronology 1968 05-08
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Torrent File Content (78 files)

CMC 1968 05-08
     196805 Amazing Spider-Man v1 060.cbz -
12.6 MB

     196805 Avengers v1 052.cbz -
10.14 MB

     196805 Capt Savage and His Leatherneck Raiders v1 003.cbr -
15.93 MB

     196805 Captain America v1 101.cbz -
9.45 MB

     196805 Captain Marvel v1 001.cbr -
18.26 MB

     196805 Daredevil v1 040.cbr -
27.67 MB

     196805 Fantastic Four v1 074.cbz -
10.02 MB

     196805 Groovy v1 002.cbz -
25.93 MB

     196805 Incredible Hulk v1 103.cbz -
11.17 MB

     196805 Iron Man v1 001.cbz -
10.98 MB

     196805 Marvel Super-Heroes v2 014.cbr -
21.79 MB

     196805 Marvel Tales v1 014.cbr -
67.01 MB

     196805 Sgt Fury v1 054.cbr -
20.9 MB

     196805 Strange Tales v1 168.cbr -
21.59 MB

     196805 Sub-Mariner v1 001.cbr -
19.56 MB

     196805 Thor v1 152.cbz -
16.6 MB

     196805 X-Men v1 044.cbz -
11.6 MB

     196806 Amazing Spider-Man v1 061.cbz -
12.47 MB

     196806 Avengers v1 053.cbz -
10.75 MB

     196806 Captain America v1 102.cbz -
9.36 MB

     196806 Captain Marvel v1 002.cbr -
17.49 MB

     196806 Daredevil v1 041.cbr -
28.75 MB

     196806 Dr Strange v1 169.cbr -
18.96 MB

     196806 Fantastic Four v1 075.cbz -
10.42 MB

     196806 Incredible Hulk v1 104.cbz -
11 MB

     196806 Iron Man v1 002.cbz -
10.8 MB

     196806 Marvel Collector's Item Classics v1 015.cbr -
33.05 MB

     196806 Millie the Model v1 159.cbz -
41.79 MB

     196806 Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD v1 001.cbr -
24.5 MB

     196806 Not Brand Echh v1 008.cbr -
23.21 MB

     196806 Rawhide Kid v1 064.cbr -
26.5 MB

     196806 Sgt Fury v1 055.cbr -
21.34 MB

     196806 Sub-Mariner v1 002.cbr -
17.96 MB

     196806 Thor v1 153.cbz -
18.61 MB

     196806 X-Men v1 045.cbz -
11.11 MB

     196807 Amazing Spider-Man v1 062.cbz -
11.97 MB

     196807 Avengers v1 054.cbz -
10.97 MB

     196807 Capt Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders v1 004.cbr -
30.94 MB

     196807 Captain America v1 103.cbz -
9.51 MB

     196807 Captain Marvel v1 003.cbr -
16.78 MB

     196807 Daredevil v1 042.cbr -
28.86 MB

     196807 Dr Strange v1 170.cbr -
19.36 MB

     196807 Fantastic Four v1 076.cbz -
10.26 MB

     196807 Groovy v1 003.cbz -
29.11 MB

     196807 Incredible Hulk v1 105.cbz -
11.25 MB

     196807 Iron Man v1 003.cbz -
11.35 MB

     196807 Marvel Super-Heroes v2 015.cbz -
28.57 MB

     196807 Marvel Tales v1 015.cbr -
69.41 MB

     196807 Millie the Model v1 160.cbz -
33.36 MB

     196807 Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD v1 002.cbr -
22.44 MB


 Complete Marvel Chronology 1968 05-08 

1968 - Marvel Comics' Second Age Begins (Part 2)

Silver Surfer

The ever-popular Silver Surfer was a beneficiary of Marvel's expanded line with not only a new title but a double-size format enabling the stories to be told at greater length.

The first issue goes back to the beginning, with the full origin of Norrin-Radd's conversion into the herald of Galactus.

Also introduced in the first issue is Shalla-Bal, Norrin-Radd's great love on his home planet.

Spectacular Spider-Man

Using Martin Goodman's magazine line, Stan Lee tried a new format for Spider-Man, presenting the Super Hero in a black and white magazine aimed at more mature readers (the magazine would be displayed with all the other magazines rather than in the comic book section of news-stands and stores).

Although the magazine was written by Lee, with art by regular Spider-Man artist John Romita, sales disappointed, and after a second full colour issue the experiment was over.

Spider-Man also makes an additional appearance in issue 014 of Marvel Super-Heroes, a title normally used to promote characters who don't have their own title.

The reasoning for this is unclear with suggestions that Lee was testing the market to see if Spider-Man could support being in two titles at the same time, or possibly as a try-out for artist Ross Andru, who would ultimately become artist on Amazing Spider-Man.


Created by Hank Pym, and imbued with his brain patterns, Ultron is an advanced form of robot which rebels against his creator (shades of Frankenstein) and creates a new group of Masters of Evil, using a brainwashed Jarvis, the Avengers' butler, to attack the Super Hero team.

Over the years Ultron has created advanced versions of himself, and has also created female versions using both the Wasp and Mockingbird as sources of human brain patterns.

Grim Reaper

The Grim Reaper is the brother of Simon Williams, aka Wonder Man, who died in issue 009 of the Avengers.

The Reaper blames the Avengers for Williams' death and sentences them all to death.

Created by Roy Thomas and with art by John Buscema, the Reaper has a distinctive scythe which emits electrical bursts that put a person into a coma.

Red Raven

Red Raven, the last of his race, is a character from the forties Golden Age of Marvel, and although only one issue of Red Raven Comics ever saw print Roy Thomas liked the character enough to bring him back in issue 044 of X-Men.

Red Raven was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.

Also Making Their Debut

The Jester appears for the first time in Daredevil 042.

Scorpio is also Jack Fury, Nick Fury's brother. Created by Jim Steranko in the first issue of the new Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD title.

Mangog is a member of an alien race defeated by Odin. He seeks revenge as a result of that defeat and hates all Asgardians. His attempts to draw the Odin-Sword from it's scabbard will eventually see the destruction of Asgard. (Thor 154)

Details of Marvel Titles For 1968

221 issues were published in 1968

All issues have been scanned.

Of the 221 scanned issues, 217 are c2c

First Issue

Capt Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders v1 001 (Jan)
Groovy v1 001 (Mar)
Captain Marvel v1 001 (May)
Iron Man v1 001 (May)
Sub-Mariner v1 001 (May)
Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD v1 001 (Jun)
Spectacular Spider-Man v1 001 (Jul)
Silver Surfer v1 001 (Aug)
Mighty Marvel Western v1 001 (Oct)
Pussycat v1 001 (Oct)

Final Issue

Kid Colt Outlaw v1 139 (Mar)
Two-Gun Kid v1 092 (Mar)
Groovy v1 003 (Jul)
Pussycat v1 001 (Oct)
Spectacular Spider-Man v1 002 (Nov)

Re-Named Issue

Tales of Suspense becomes Captain America v1 100 (Apl)
Tales to Astonish becomes Incredible Hulk v1 102 (Apl)
Strange Tales becomes Doctor Strange v1 169 (Jun)

1968 05
+ Amazing Spider-Man v1 060 c2cO
+ Avengers v1 052 c2cO
+ Captain America v1 101 c2cO
= Captain Marvel v1 001 c2c
= Capt Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders v1 003 c2c
= Daredevil v1 040 c2c
+ Fantastic Four v1 074 c2cO
* Groovy v1 002 c2c scanned by Gambit
+ Incredible Hulk v1 103 c2cO
+ Iron Man v1 001 c2cO
= Marvel Super-Heroes v1 014 c2c
* Marvel Tales v1 013
= Sgt Fury v1 054 c2c
= Strange Tales v1 168 c2c
= Sub-Mariner v1 001 c2c
+ Thor v1 152 c2c
+ X-Men v1 044 c2cO

1968 06
+ Amazing Spider-Man v1 061 c2cO
+ Avengers v1 053 c2cO
+ Captain America v1 102 c2cO
= Captain Marvel v1 002 c2c
= Daredevil v1 041 c2c
= Doctor Strange v1 169 c2c
+ Fantastic Four v1 075 c2cO
+ Incredible Hulk v1 104 c2cO
+ Iron Man v1 002 c2cO
* Marvel Collector's Item Classics v1 015 c2c
* Millie the Model v1 159 c2c scanned by elf and Gambit
= Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD v1 001 c2c
= Not Brand Echh v1 008 c2c
* Rawhide Kid v1 064 c2c
= Sgt Fury v1 055 c2c
= Sub-Mariner v1 002 c2c
+ Thor v1 153 c2c
+ X-Men v1 045 c2cO

1968 07
+ Amazing Spider-Man v1 062 c2cO
+ Avengers v1 054 c2cO
+ Captain America v1 103 c2cO
= Captain Marvel v1 003 c2c
= Capt Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders v1 004 c2c
= Daredevil v1 042 c2c
= Doctor Strange v1 170 c2c scanned by BluesBrothers
+ Fantastic Four v1 076 c2cO
* Groovy v1 003 c2c
+ Incredible Hulk v1 105 c2cO
+ Iron Man v1 003 c2cO
= Marvel Super-Heroes v1 015 c2c
* Marvel Tales v1 015 c2c
* Millie the Model v1 160 c2c scanned by Gambit
= Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD v1 002 c2c
= Sgt Fury v1 056 c2c
+ Spectacular Spider-Man v1 001 c2c
= Sub-Mariner v1 003 c2c
+ Thor v1 154 c2c
+ X-Men v1 046 c2cO

1968 08
+ Amazing Spider-Man v1 063 c2cO
+ Avengers v1 055 c2cO
+ Captain America v1 104 c2cO
= Captain Marvel v1 004 c2c
= Capt Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders v1 005 c2c
= Daredevil v1 043 c2c
= Doctor Strange v1 171 c2c
+ Fantastic Four v1 077 c2cO
+ Incredible Hulk v1 106 c2cO
+ Iron Man v1 004 c2cO
* Marvel Collector's Item Classics v1 016 c2c
* Millie the Model v1 161 c2c scanned by Gambit
= Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD v1 003 c2c scanned by Flattermann
= Not Brand Echh v1 009 c2c
* Rawhide Kid v1 065 c2c scanned by BluesBrothers
+ Sgt Fury v1 057 c2c scanned by Teachbug and Alhazred
= Sgt Fury King-Size Special v1 004 c2c
+ Silver Surfer v1 001 c2cO
= Sub-Mariner v1 004 c2c
+ Thor v1 155 c2c
+ X-Men v1 047 c2cO

= Title appeared in version 001 of the Chronology and is unchanged
+ New scan replaces version from version 001 of the Chronology
* Title is new to the Chronology

c2c - cover to cover
c2cO - Official Marvel scan
remix - a full version of the comic sourced from reprints
24pgs - not a c2c,usually just the cover and story pages
fc only - front cover only where the comic is missing

About the Complete Marvel Chronology

The Complete Marvel Chronology (CMC) is version 2.0 of the Marvel Chronology (MC).

The MC was created by cyager69 aka Chuck, who uploaded Marvel comics beginning with Fantastic Four 001 (Nov 61) through to the issues published in Jun 1997.

When Chuck was unable to continue the uploads I took over the MC and uploaded the remainder of the issues through to December 2008. Additional uploads added various titles not cover-dated with a specific month (the 'Decades' uploads) and seven Fill packs added new scans for issues missing when the original uploads were done for the 70's through to the 90's.

With none of Chuck's original uploads online, the decision was to either upload the original version of 1961-1996 or go with a brand new, full version incorporating the missing genres, such as romance, western and humour, and including the imprints which Chuck intended to upload following the completion of the MC.

The CMC will cover Marvel's entire seventy year history. At present I am uploading the years beginning with 1960 and these uploads will continue right through to December 1996. After that I have not finalised what will follow, but the likelihood will be that I go back to upload the 39-59 period, and then upload the 97-09 period again. When I do upload version 2.0 of 97-09 there will be many additions and many new scans.

News and Notes

If I get one request more than any other it is "Where can I find a complete list of Marvel titles, preferably in chronological order?" Understandable when I upload something called the Complete Marvel Chronology.

The best place I know is the Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comic Creators (UHBMCC), a website put together by Markus Meuller.

The link is

There is a lot of information on the website but if you want to follow the year-by-year progress of the titles click on Data at the top of the screen and then chose the option Dates.

Hopefully that answers the question.

The site is continually being updated so all the new titles are added as they come out.

Coming Next

The conclusion of 1968 (September to December) will be uploaded on Tuesday.



Books used as research material in completing the CMC include -

Marvel Chronicle - Tom DeFalco
Marvel Vault - Roy Thomas and Pete Sanderson
Tales of the Implosion - Tom Lammers
Standard Catalogue of Comics 5th Edition

Thanks to all the scanners, editors and uploaders who make the scans available.

Thanks for the support of all those who seed the CMC.

Thanks to Chuck for creating the MC.

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