MTCDC From Z to A 014 Sh-Sen (joshua13(h33t
Seeders : 4 Leechers : 160
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Torrent File Content (910 files)
MTCDC From Z to A 014 Sh-Sen
Silver Age-The Second Generation of Comic Book Artists-Silver Age.cbr -
Silver Age-The Second Generation of Comic Book Artists-Silver Age.cbr -
134.8 MB
Don't do this late at night fills
Son of Vulcan v1 (Charlton/Son of Vulcan v1 049-Formerly Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds.cbr -
Son of Vulcan v1 (Charlton/Son of Vulcan v1 049-Formerly Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds.cbr -
29.67 MB
Son of Vulcan v1 (Charlton/Son of Vulcan v1 050.cbr -
13.46 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 033.cbr -
17.49 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 034.cbr -
12.61 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 035.cbr -
15.95 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 036.cbr -
6.9 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 037.cbr -
15.97 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 038.cbr -
15.47 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 039.cbr -
16.04 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 040 ctc (1961).cbr -
12.14 MB
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton/Space Adventures 042 ctc (1961).cbr -
16.24 MB
Special War Series 004-Judomaster.cbr -
16.77 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Not sure what this is/Spy Smasher 011 (1942).cbr -
5.92 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 001 ctc (fiche(1941).cbr -
53.72 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 002 ctc (Winter 1941).cbr -
27.51 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 003 ctc (02-1942).cbr -
13.54 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 004 ctc (fiche(04-1942).cbr -
66.81 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 005 (06-1942).cbr -
12.91 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 006 (fiche(08-1942).cbr -
58.13 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 007 (10-1942).cbr -
13.44 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 008 (11-1942).cbr -
14.43 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 009 21p B&W (12-1942).cbr -
12.34 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 010 ctc (fiche(01-1943).cbr -
67.35 MB
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)/Spy Smasher 011 ctc (fiche(02-1943).cbr -
68.24 MB
Superman the Movie-Program (1978).cbr -
Superman the Movie-Program (1978).cbr -
10.24 MB
Wonder Woman story (unpub).cbr -
1.43 MB
MTCDC from Z to A 014.rtf -
25.14 KB
Obligatory Torrent Files
Torrent downloaded from -
Torrent downloaded from -
47 bytes
tracked_by_h33t_com.txt -
23 bytes
Sensation Comics (1942-1952)
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 001 (R).cbr -
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 001 (R).cbr -
31.93 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 002-Black Pirate (Only)(R).cbr -
3.07 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 003 Archives-Solo Wonder Woman (03-1942).cbr -
6.16 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 009 64p (alt).cbr -
18.54 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 017-Wonder Woman (R).cbr -
6.59 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 018 44p (alt).cbr -
24.54 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 019-Wonder Woman (Only)(R).cbr -
7.93 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 030 (alt).cbr -
26.92 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 037 (alt).cbr -
28.39 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 040 (alt).cbr -
26.98 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 041 (alt).cbr -
26.79 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 042-Mr Terrific, Wonder Woman only.cbr -
7.88 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 045 (alt).cbr -
26.82 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 048 (alt).cbr -
26.48 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 049 (alt).cbr -
14.64 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 050 (alt).cbr -
16.66 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 051 (alt).cbr -
36.62 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 052 (alt).cbr -
22.39 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 054 (alt).cbr -
20.67 MB
Reprints and other Duplicates/Sensation Comics 066-Wildcat reprint only (alt).cbr -
+ Show all torrent content...1.96 MB
The More than Complete DC in Omegapsical Order
Omegapsical order: a term I may have invented meaning reverse alphabetical order. For the classics challenged alpha & beta are the first two letters of the ancient greek alphabet =>Alphabetical. Taking the last two, going backwards => omega psi => omegapsical. I just like to be different.
This Fourteenth installment is: Sh-Sen
Remembering this is just DC, not DC plus DC imprints like the chronology, this all that's scanned of DC titles in this range according to the Phantom Stranger's DC scanned list of May 1. Thus we are complete. We are more than complete because we have
Spy Smasher - This Fawcett hero was later called Crime Smasher. DC acquired him after Fawcett comics died he became a DC character.
Special War Series 04 with Judomaster a Charlton Comics character who was later acquired by DC.
Space Adventures 33-40,42 Featuring Captain Atom also from Charlton originally but no a valiant part of the DC Universe
Son of Vulcan 49-50, Son of Vulcan being yet another Charlton character to have become DC
All of the above belonged in an earlier torrent illustrating that doing the alphabet backwards get confusing when you make these things late at night.
We also have a lot of comics featuring The Shadow from the Street and Smith in the 1940s Archie the 60s, Dark Horse in the 90s, 365 non comic stories and novels, and more. Some of this breaks my rules about what non-DC comics should be included, but I make the rules, so I can change then when I want. :-)
We have all that's scanned and relevant of the non-DC material according to THEList, the reasonably authoritative list of what is and isn't scanned.
As always DieSmurfDie helped behind the scenes!
Today's offering:
Don't do this late at night fills (Should have been earlier in series)
Spy Smasher 01-11 (1941-1943)
Not sure what this is
Spy Smasher 011 (1942).cbr (it's not 11 of above series)
Special War Series 004-Judomaster.cbr
Space Adventures v3-Captain Atom (Charlton) 33-40,42
Son of Vulcan v1 (Charlton) 49-50
Main attraction
Showcase v1 001-106 (1956-1978)
Showcase Reprint and other duplicates
Showcase '96 01-12
Showcase '95 01-12
Showcase '94 01-12
Showcase '93 01-12
Essential Showcase TPB DC v.42 (1992)(1956-1959).cbr
Showcase Presents-covers only-50 covers
Sherlock Holmes 001 (09-10 1975).cbr
Shazam!-The Power of Hope GN.cbr
Shazam!-The New Beginning (1987) 01-04
Shazam!-The Monster Society of Evil 01-04
Shazam from the 40s to the 70s.cbr
Shazam! and the Shazam! Family Annual 001.cbr
Shazam!-The Monster Society of Evil HC (Omitted).jpg
Shazam!-Greatest Stories Ever Told TPB (Omitted).jpg
Shazam! Family Archives v1 HC (Omitted).jpg
Shazam! Archives v4 HC (Omitted).jpg
Shazam! Archives v3 HC (Omitted).jpg
Shazam! Archives v2 HC (Omitted).jpg
Shazam! Archives v1 HC (Omitted).jpg
Shazam! 01-35 (1973-1978)
Shadowpact-The Pentacle Plot TPB (Omitted).jpg
Shadowpact-Cursed TPB (Omitted).jpg
Shadowpact 01-25
Shadowdragon Annual 001-Year One (1995).cbr
Shadow, The
The Shadow-A Detective Mag. (not a comic)-covers, drawings (1931-04)
The Shadow novels and stories (365).zip (Not comics - text and pdf files)
The Shadow (Street and Smith (1940-49) v1-v8 assorted issues
The Shadow-A Detective Mag.(not a comic)-covers, drawings (1931-04)
The Comic Book History of the Shadow.txt
Street and Smith Comics Description.rtf
Dark Horse
The Shadow-Hell's Heat Wave (1995)
The Shadow and the Mysterious 3 (09-1994).cbr
Ghost and The Shadow (12-1995).cbr
The Shadow-Hell's Heat Wave 01-03 (1995)
The Shadow and Doc Savage 01-02 (1995)
The Shadow 01-02(1994)
The Shadow-In the Coils of Leviathan (1994)
Shadow-Blood and Judgement TPB (Omitted).jpg
The Shadow v3 Annual 01,02
The Shadow v3 01-19 (1987-1989)
The Shadow v2 01-04 (1986)
The Shadow v1 01-12 (1973-1975)
The Shadow Strikes 01-31 (1989-1992)
The Shadow Strikes Annual 001.cbr
The Private files of the Shadow (Omitted).jpg
The Shadow 01-08 (Archie Comics(1964-65)
The Comic Book History of the Shadow.txt
Pulp Action-Featuring The Shadow (ACG(1999-2000)
ACG Pulp Action-Featuring The Shadow 01,02,04,06 (ACG(1999-2000)
ACG Pulp Action missing issue covers.cbr
Marvel Graphic Novel 035-The Shadow-Hitler's Astrologer (02-1988).cbr
Shadow War of Hawkman 01-04 (1985)
Shadow of the Batman 01-05 (1986)
Shado-Song of the Dragon 01-04
Shade, The 01-04 (1997)
Shade, The Changing Man-American Scream TPB (Omitted).jpg
Shade, The Changing Man v2 01-70
Shade, The Changing Man v1 01-09 (1972)
Sgt. Rock's Prize Battle Tales ctc (1964).cbr
Sgt. Rock-The Prophecy TPB (Omitted).jpg
Sgt. Rock-The Prophecy 01-06
Sgt. Rock-The Lost Battalion 01-05
Sgt. Rock-Between Hell and a Hard Place.cbr
Sgt. Rock v2 14,19,21
Sgt. Rock/Sgt. Rock v1 Special 01,07
Sgt. Rock v1 02-04 Annual
Sgt. Rock v1 302-422 (After Our Army at War 301
Sgt. Rock's Prize Battle Tales Replica Edition (Omitted).jpg
Sgt. Rock's Combat Tales TPB (Omitted).jpg
Sgt. Rock Archives v3 HC (Omitted).jpg
Sgt. Rock Archives v2 HC (Omitted).jpg
Sgt. Rock Archives v1 HC (Omitted).jpg
Sgt. Bilko's Pvt. Doberman 01-11
Seven Soldiers-Zatanna 01-04 (2005)
Seven Soldiers-Shining Knight 01-04 (2005)
Seven Soldiers-Mister Miracle 01-04 (2006)
Seven Soldiers-Klarion The Witchboy 01-04 (2005)
Seven Soldiers-Guardian 01-04 (2005)
Seven Soldiers-Frankenstein 01-04 (2006)
Seven Soldiers-Bulleteer 01-04 (2006)
Seven Soldiers 001 36p.cbr
Seven Soldiers 000.cbr
Seven Soldiers 000-2nd Print cover.jpg
Seven Soldiers of Victory v4 TPB (Omitted).jpg
Seven Soldiers of Victory v3 TPB (Omitted).jpg
Seven Soldiers of Victory v2 TPB (Omitted).jpg
Seven Soldiers of Victory v1 TPB (Omitted).jpg
Seven Soldiers of Victory Archives v2 HC (Omitted).jpg
Seven Soldiers of Victory Archives v1 HC (Omitted).jpg
Sergio Aragones Destroys DC.cbr
Sergeant Bilko 01-18
Sensation Mystery 110-116 (After Sensation Comics 109)
Sensation Comics v2 001.cbr
Sensation Comics Unpublished WW.cbr
Sensation Comics 001-109(i) (1942-1952)
Sensation Comics Assorted reprints and alternate scans
Wonder Woman story (unpub).cbr
Superman the Movie-Program (1978).cbr (Thanks for this TonyZ!)
Silver Age-The Second Generation of Comic Book Artists-Silver Age.cbr
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Torrent Name | Added | Size | Seed | Leech | Health |
1 Year+ - in Other | 13.47 GB | 0 | 3 | ||
1 Year+ - in Other | 13.07 GB | 0 | 1 | ||
1 Year+ - in Other | 13.85 GB | 0 | 0 | ||
1 Year+ - in Other | 13.85 GB | 0 | 0 | ||
1 Year+ - in Other | 16.76 GB | 3 | 122 |
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